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Handbag designer work needs not only chanel 2.55 bags outstanding talent that takes a lot of effort. These independent stylist, mostly young girl, single-handedly self-made man. From looking for inspiration, get trend, painted sketches, leather, to choose a like modification, contact the manufacturer, the image, the market pr, etc, all by designers and one assistant completed. Can say, not a designer purses not because the whole heart love, but to make a lot of money and choose this career.

All designers chun xia, in clause Katherine Kwei color most handsome fresh and tender. The sun design and color, field mint green, water blue color, vanilla, a spring scenery flourishes... The most popular Joyce Carry All changed to older Joyce Tote; with the zipper, But don't worry, stylist chanel bags outlet can customize Zhou Handbags for Kate Joyce Carry All... New Lulu is good for white-collar beautiful eyebrow specially designed, slightly from eternity "luxury and personality, turning to traditional low-key are - like. Lulu portion size two paragraphs. Although the same style, style has not exactly. Large Lulu is are works, trumpet Lulu is who are who lunches. We didn't order small, because our customers, obviously the former majority.

Handbag designer work needs not only outstanding talent that takes a lot of effort. These independent stylist, mostly young girl, single-handedly self-made man. From looking for Chanel Cambon Bags inspiration, get trend, painted sketches, leather, to choose a like modification, contact the manufacturer, the image, the market pr, etc, all by designers and one assistant completed. Can say, not a designer purses not because the whole heart love, but to make a lot of money and choose this career.

Fair maiden wind will from this year qiu dong blow to next year chun xia, almost each designer founder of a type, the fair maiden occerred money. Botkier fair maiden paragraph, is to Chanel Heels restore ancient ways and concise Charlotte series and Isla series.

Handbag designer work needs not only outstanding talent that takes a lot of effort. These independent stylist, mostly young girl, single-handedly self-made man. From looking for inspiration, get trend, painted sketches, leather, to choose a like modification, contact the manufacturer, the image, the Chanel Leisure market pr, etc, all by designers and one assistant completed. Can say, not a designer purses not because the whole heart love, but to make a lot of money and choose this career.

Treesje fair maiden wind deduce for girl feelings, the spring of abnormal melting and lovely. My favorite, colorful Spokes small knapsack. How to carry extra small bags, is a problem. This kind of bag, normally is to go out at night or day shopping entertainment and eat back. Many customers do not habits or have no time to frequently change bag, so avoided. But extra small bag style, it is a bit bigger bag cannot chanel outlet replace. How do? My way is to carry two bags - small bag back in the body, then portable a low-key plain and neat big package. The mobile phone, cash, credit card, proper things in small bag, the other stuff in big bag. Work both back, don't need a big bag when she light travel. My colleagues all know, I work little criterion to carry two bags, sometimes back three, ha ha.

